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    Beyond the each trade export and produce PVC the enterprises of products.Our factory for the specialities of main fact,rich technical force.Unless productses by style the novel,is have good quality firmly get high favorable comment foreign businessman,find a good sale America and Europe,Middled East of at productses,etc. A lot of countres and regions.
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版权所有©义乌市富顺箱包有限公司 公司地址: 浙江省义乌市佛堂镇渡馨北路158号
销售地址: 国际商贸城G1馆12071 联系电话: 0086-0579-85726622 85182071 图文传真: 0086-0579-85729636
手  机: 013967408836 013957938068 E-mail: sales@fushunbag.com 技术维护:浙江众盟网络科技